Thursday, November 12, 2009

GT Independent Study Topic

1.The independent study topic that i chose is mystery.
2. I chose this topic because i like mystery and books that have to do with investigating a crime.
3.The book i chose is And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
4. I chose this book because i know Agatha Christie is a good author and i thought that choosing a book from her would be very intersting and it would keep my attention.


  1. Why do u think this paticular author would keep your attention by reading one of her mystery books?

  2. @Lindsey... well i think this particular author would keep my attention because eventhough it is a little confusing on some parts she knows how to make it intersting to the point where i dont want to put down the book. For example it was jumping to so many different topics at the beginning of the book i didnt get a thing, but then the action started and gave a little more clues to figure out the beginning parts i didnt get. So Agatha Christie was a good author for me to choose because i know if i dont get something in the book, i know somewhere throughout it she puts clues to help me figure it out which makes the book more interesting for me.

  3. Why do uyou like mysteries and solving crimes?

  4. This is a good book give another reason why this book interest you????

  5. @sergio.. i like mysteries and solving crimes because i like having suspense and having something that keeps you guessing till the end. thats what keeps my mind focused in the book.

  6. @stephanie r.... well another reason this book interests me is because it has a lot of suspense in it which keeps me guessing until the end... if it was just any book my mind wouldnt be in it and i wuoldnt completely get it.

  7. How do you know that Agatha Christie is a good author have you read other books made by her?

  8. @gracia... i have a read one other book by her it was called The Mysterious Affair At Styles.... i wouldnt say it was my favorite book but it kept me interested enough to finish. it has been a while since i have read it but from that mystery book about detectives i could tell she was a good author and i knew she had other books that were good, so i picked this one out to see how it was and so far it has been good.
