Thursday, November 12, 2009

GT Independent Study Topic

1. The independent study topic I chose is Harlem Renaissance.
2. I chose this topic because it sounds very interesting to learn about the Renaissance.
3.The book i chose is Black Stars of the Harlem Renaissance by Jim Haskins, Eleanora E. Tate, Clinton Cox, and Brenda Wilkinson.
4.I chose this book because the title captured my attention and i thougth it would be a good book.


  1. If you have already started reading, how does the title go with the book?

  2. i haven't already started the book, in fact i haven't even got the book yet.

  3. What do you think the book will be about??

  4. Do you know what the Harlem Renaissance is?

  5. what made this book catch your eye and made you choose this particular book?
